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Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day

[Your Name]

Wishing You

Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day

ना जियो घर्म के नाम पर,
ना मरों धर्म के नाम पर,
इंसानियत ही है धर्म वतन का
बस जियों वतन के नाम ||
आओ सब मिलकर नये रूप में गणतंत्र मनायें ।
स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें ।

Let us pray for
The prosperity and unity of our country
Cheerfully, helpfully, hopefully, peacefully
By remembering our national heroes
Who gave us freedom
After suffering years of pain & humiliation.
Happy Independence Day

⭐️ [Your Name] ⭐️

Independence Day